Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Voxel Heroes is back!

It would seem that people are quite miffed that Voxel Heroes has been discontinued. Going through this blog's statistics (lots of people get here by Googling 'Voxel Heroes') and taking into account that Voxel Heroes v0.11 has been downloaded over 700 times, I think it's safe to say that it had quite a large following.

I've actually been thinking about the game a lot these last few weeks but every time I think of picking it up again, I remind myself how smoothly development on Rivenrealm is going. The largely 2D atmosphere has allowed me to ignore some barriers that have halted development on VH to a large degree. Also, my grasp of how exactly to manage such a large project has matured quite a bit since the advent of VH and hence, the Rivenrealm source code is much more manageable.

Be that as it may, I can no longer deny Voxel Heroes from existing and so, I am proud to announce that Rivenrealm and VH will be combined into one awesome new title:

Here's a list of features I plan to include in the first build. I should be ready to release the alpha before the end of the year and I'm hoping that those of you that followed development on Voxel Heroes so closely will approve of the direction it's going in now.

Main Menu
Ingame Menu
Character Equipment

Basic Combat
Descend to deeper levels
Item Unlocking

Random generation of items, monsters and decorations for maps
Pre-defined (for now) dungeon layouts
University (where unlocked items are stored)

Quite a long list, but with most of the code already written in either Voxel Heroes or Rivenrealm, I feel that releasing in 3 weeks is completely feasible.

Check back soon (no really, I'll post an update in a day at most.)


  1. Do you have some screenshots of the stuff you've done so far? It would be nice to see some images since we are making a similar kind of game (graphics-wise).

    1. You can have a look at these posts to see screenshots for

      Voxel Heroes

